Friday, April 21, 2017

"Souls for Days" Hand-lettered T-Shirt Design

My website makeover has really been a pain and I had no idea it would take me this long to do! I decided to just do something totally different, hoping it would be easier and faster, and turns out there are still some kinks I need to work out. So pardon my dust as I slowly get this figured out!

Ginger Awareness Day was February 22nd and my friend wanted to celebrate her brother's head-of-fire by giving him a fun t-shirt to celebrate. She wanted the bubbly-70's vibe. YES! I couldn't have agreed any more. It was exactly what I was picturing too when she asked me to make this.

So I hand-lettered it, cleaned it up and added color on the computer, and she was able to do an iron-on transfer onto a red t-shirt. I thought it was such a nice gesture of her to make a custom shirt for him. I mean, hello! Coolest Sister Award!

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