Friday, March 24, 2017

Feather Garland Tutorial

I'm pretty obsessed with this garland and how nicely it came together! Most garlands are a repeat of the same object, but because this whole party was PINK I wanted to added more elements so it wasn't so boring.
Different variations of strings helped make this come together and still look cohesive. Yes, they were all pink, but the varying textures and tones helped them stand out and become more interesting.

Gosh, it's been so long since I've done a tutorial! Here it goes! 

Tools you will need:
different colors/textures of yarn (because yarn is cheap)
baker's twine
any other types of string you can find - I happened upon some pom-pom string
hot glue 

1. First, take your yarn and make it as long as you need it to be for the desired space you'll be decorating.
2. Glue feathers together into bunches of 2-3 per bunch. Wait until they dry completely.
 3. Lay out your feather bunches on your piece of yarn so you know how far apart they need to be.
 4. Make yarn pom-poms. This tutorial here can show you how to make a pom-pom. I used a plastic gift card to wrap my yarn around which made this small pom-pom size. Be sure not to trim off the excess yarn and keep it about 2-3 inches long. You will use this to tie it to the garland. Trim off any other excess if you want to keep them all the same length.
 5. Gather your other supplies of various strings. Cut some pieces of tulle into rectangles which you can use to tie like pieces of string.
 6. Lay out where you'll want your various strings and pom-poms by each feather bunch. They will all have their own little group.

7. Use a piece of string to tie the bunch of feathers onto the piece of yarn. If it's too hard, just glue the feathers on and tie the string around the feathers. Again, glue if you need to.

8. Tie the pom-poms onto the yarn next to the feathers. Tie additional pieces of strings next to pom-poms and feathers.
9. Repeat with each feather bunch and your garland is done!

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