Monday, December 5, 2016

Cotton Lane Market Review

I actually wasn't going to post anything about this event because it was pretty uneventful!

Except for the time during set up when I forgot my pegs for my shelves to put into my bookshelf for my display...
That was stressful.

My heart literally fell into my stomach.
 Luckily, my husband was there helping me so he was able to find them at a store nearby!
But other than that, I came, I went. I actually didn't do as well as I thought I would, so that was disappointing. And I can't nail down a reason either. At each event I feel there's always something different, so it's hard for me to pick out what's my top seller and what's not.
 But this ol' Clementine print is my top seller online!
And look! It's in a customer's hand!
The girls who put this event on had a photographer come to take pictures of the place and how could I not share these! I love them!

They capture all the feels for how a craft show goes. I mean, check out those twinkle lights. They always make events so magical.
 It was a beautiful venue with tons of killer vendors. They sure hit the mark and did a great job.

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