Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christmas Card for the Traveler

My cute Mom has been a regular Christmas card client for the past few years and asked me to do theirs this year! My parents went to two nice vacations this year and since Christmas cards are the time where you are able to humbly brag about how great your life is (not my quote! Credit goes to The Daily Tay! I thought it was incredibly accurate for how Christmas cards go.), those two vacations were the highlight of the card.

They toured parts of Europe which was why we decided on "Happy Christmas" and then when you turn over the back they also went to Hawaii so we also put "Mele Kalikimaka!"

I'm still taking card designs if you are last minute and want me to take care of it for you! I can do 25 for $25. If you want more I can give you a price quote.

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