Monday, September 12, 2016

Fall Beehive Bazaar Recap

Man, I have not been on here for quite awhile! We decided to move, so that just happened, and then I had a series of events occur where I realized I needed to make new products instead of just prints, then I got into the fall Beehive Bazaar! So I was busy making and getting my stuff ready for it. 

So here's a recap on how this event went for me! (I really enjoy reading how others do their shows.)
I was really excited that I got into the fall show because I was ready to get back into it again. After the talk I had with Hipster Quinn, I was really excited to try new products and have the Bazaar be my test run.

It actually turned out to not be that great of a test run because the feedback I did receive was super scattered. My Instagram followers seemed to really dig my stuff. I had a lot of random people love my Harry Potter tote bags and thought my stickers and new cards were adorable. But I didn't sell a single one at the Bazaar! How bazaar??? (Sorry, I couldn't resist...) But I've kinda learned that before - how each event is different and different items sell the best. I've never had one item be a clear winner. It's always different.

So I was pretty bummed I didn't do as well as I thought I would because I worked hard to introduce so many new products, but I believe in them and I won't let this one event stop me. Right after the Bazaar, I found out I got into the Cotton Lane Market event which will be November 11th at 6-10pm and the 12th at 10am-9pm at The Lodge at Traverse Mountain. Yay!

I have some new products I'll be doing because it'll be a Christmas show and I hope I'm able to sell my other new stuff too. So here we go again!
I got to proudly wear the shirt my husband made for me for my birthday!
I really wanted to get rid of my old designs so I had a clearance box. I was hoping to do better, but I'd say it was almost half-ish. 

I was pretty proud of my signage for this. Chalkboard lettering is hard! 

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