Thursday, April 7, 2016

Provo Spring Festival

I've been accepted to be a vendor at the Provo Spring Festival! It will take place April 16th from 4-8pm at Rock Canyon Park. (More info can be found at their Facebook page.)

I actually have never been to this festival, but it looks super fun! All of the activities are free, except for the food and products from vendors. Activities include: zorb balls, yoga, gardening classes, listening to local musicians, and a mini petting zoo with puppies, chicks, and bunnies. How fun does that sound?? I hope my husband is brave enough to take my kids while I chill out at my tent. 

Speaking of chilling out at my tent, this is my first show where I have to be there the entire time! The Beehive Bazaar spoiled me. Although I'm not looking forward to sitting there all evening, I'm grateful it's only a couple of hours. And even though it's only a few hours, I've decided to work my bum off and create my new print line that I've had tinkering around in my brain since October. And then of course, as I'm creating this new line, something else popped into my head, so I've decided to also work on that new line too... 

I know I'm crazy, but...

I think my baby has turned a new leaf! She is actually sleeping now!! It's amazing how productive I can be with her sleeping and being able to get adequate sleep myself. I feel like a new woman! 

But anyways, come to this festival if you're looking for something to do. Make it a date night! Family night! It's something free where you can just get out of the house! 

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