Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fall Wreath Tutorial

I wish I wasn't so late in posting this, but after Halloween, this wreath can still be used for a festive fall Thanksgiving wreath! So I feel it works well in both September and November. 

I had a lot of fun creating the pinecone wreath I made last year and felt the need to bedazzle a fall wreath. Where my troubles came in was how hot it has been this month! I'm talking like it's still summer - 80-90ยบ... And I have a metal screen door that just soaks up the heat and it was melting the hot glue on my wreath! So it kept falling apart... But now that I've been able to fix it up and glue the life out of it and the weather is cooling down a bit, it will be proudly hanging until the first of October. 

Tools You Will Need:
wreath base (I used a metal one, but I would 
suggest using a wicker one. It will save you more time.)
scraps of creme/neutral colored fabric (if using metal wreath)
plastic leaves
decorative elements/fillers
last name initial 
hot glue gun + lots of glue sticks
1. Skip steps 1-2 if using a wicker wreath. 
If using a metal wreath, cut out strips of fabric, about 1"x2.5". I can't say how many, just a lot. If you are buying fabric to use instead of using scraps, I would start with just a quarter yard. It should be nothing more. 

2. Tie strips into knots around the wreath. It doesn't need to be super full, but just enough to use as a base. I found that just glueing the leaves straight onto the metal wasn't helping much and they needed more of a base for support. Which is why if you are using a wicker wreath, you wouldn't need to complete this step because there is lots of volume to work with.
3. After your wreath is full of knots, you're ready to start glueing on the leaves! Using the pliers, cut the leaves off the stems. Lay onto wreath before glueing to make sure they look how you want. Then start glueing.

4. Once all of the leaves are glued, trim off any fabric that might be visible.
5. Add in your decorative elements/fillers in places where there might be gaps. Use lots of glue and let sit for 24 hours before hanging.

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