Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 10th is Teddy Bear Picnic Day!

This year marks our third Teddy Bear Picnic! If you haven't heard of it before, I don't blame you. It seems as if everyday there is some type of funky national holiday to celebrate something, which can bring more fun to everyday life! 

I read an article about what makes a happy family, and one of the items on there was to celebrate the little things, like Pie Day or National Chocolate Chip Day. I know not every mom has time for that sort of thing, which is reasonable, your kids will turn out fine, but for those who want to, this is an idea to make another day of summer something special. 

If you're doing it with just your kids, great! If you want to make it a party with some friends, here are some free invitations you can print out to announce your special party! You can ask them to bring their favorite stuffed animal and a sack lunch or a treat to share. Either way works out great. 

Have fun!
 To get your pink printable, click here
To get your blue printable, click here

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