Monday, May 25, 2015

Cowgirl Party Series: Rice Krispie Treat Haybales

Wow, I am definitely getting distracted with other projects and happenings! Here's one of the last 2 posts from the Cowgirl Birthday Party series. This tutorial is a cute, easy way to decorate food, and in this case, the Rice Krispie Treat Haybales from the party. 

Tools you will need:
pre-made Rice Krispie Treats, cut into rectangles
Bakers twine/twine/string/yarn
paper doilies (I bought mine here)
 1. Lay your string out and lay on top a paper doily, reverse side, so the side you want to see is on the outside.
2. Put a Rice Krispie Treat in the middle.
3. Pull the string and tie in a knot. Cut string.
 And there you have a beautiful display for your food table.

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