Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cowgirl Birthday Party

My 3-year old daughter is obsessed with horses right now, so the opportunity to throw a cowgirl party couldn't have been any better! This theme was SO much fun to play with - I had a blast putting it all together!

I invited a lot of family to this party, so I felt like I needed to provide some sort of square meal opposed to just cake and treats. On the menu was: BBQ Shredded Pork Sandwiches, Veggie cups, Fruit, Pudding cups, Pasta Salad, and Rice Krispie Haybales.

Step right up and git yer grub!

Alright, now, I understand I wrote here, "Saloon," which probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to write, but in my defense, I totally forgot to put up my "Watering Hole" sign! I was so disappointed when I realized I had completely forgotten it! 
I planned a few classic party games: ring bottle toss, bean bag toss, and pin the tail on the pony. The ring toss actually didn't work very well... It was a complete fail... So there aren't any pictures of that... Then for the bean bag toss, I sewed the bags out of felt and filled them with rice and used painter's tape to mark square targets on the grass. Super easy and the kids loved it! 

Lastly, Pin the Tail on the Pony, was also a hit. I drew a horse on a piece of poster board and drew some tails to go with it on different colors of paper to make it more fun. In the party package, I've included my drawn tails so all one would need to do is print them out! 

A lot of work and preparation was put into this, so I've decided to split up my posts into different sections and do a series of DIY party decorations on how I did certain things. So stay tuned for additional cowgirl party posts!

Cowgirl Birthday Party Package is now available in the shop! Yeeeee-haaawww!

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