Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year's Prints! + a Giveaway

New Year's goals. 

Some people love 'em, some people hate 'em. 

I happen to be one of those people who love them and need the extra motivation to become a better person. Which is where my inspiration came from for these New Year's prints. 

These prints are bound to be inspirational to bring on 2015 with a bang. To tackle those to-do's or how you might want to change yourself. 

Some goals I have for myself are:
. To send actual birthday cards to each of my siblings. 
. Give more focus on my little shop. And yes, I have somewhat of a game plan.

Now it's your turn to bring on the new year with a ROAR by winning one of these 3 incentive prints from my shop.

To the new year! And good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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