Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Designs by Tiffanyco's First Anniversary!

My shop's first anniversary was a few weeks ago! Although I still haven't made it big, it's still amazing to see all that's happened for this little ol' shop through this first year:
1. Shortly two months after opening up my shop, one of my pieces was featured on the Disney Baby Blog! Pretty crazy. Opportunities like that don't just pop up after only being around for two measly months! And this still is my bestseller by the way. 
2. Although this is meant to be a design blog for my little business, I've put up some craft tutorials every once in awhile too. This one is by far my most popular post. Guess people are gettin' all greeny with recycled art! I've also found that my DIY posts are the most visited... guess I should keep doing this kind of stuff!
3. Mr. Epson was added to the family so I could really keep my home business a HOME business and not need to travel to get my pieces printed. So nice to be able to keep it all organized in one place.
4. I had my first craft fair, which didn't go well, but was something I have always wanted to do. Hopefully something good will turn out from it!

5. I've gotten 2 clients to work with since I put up a Facebook page for my business. I had no idea I'd be getting design clientele from it. I made a page just so there was another place to add more publicity to my blog and shop. Who knew it would bring in more? I don't exactly like doing work for clients, as I've come to find out, but I'll do what I gotta do for now.

I wanted to do a giveaway along with this, but I wanted it to be something new. Which, sadly, I haven't done yet. I've got ideas in the works, so it's at least a start. Just be on the lookout for another giveaway celebrating my shop turning one, because that to me is something worth celebrating!

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