Thursday, May 29, 2014

My First Boutique Fair!

I've been accepted to my first boutique fair - EVER! I'm so excited. I've always wanted to do this and things haven't really been going too well with getting into other fairs, but this one is a go! It's called Polkadots and Shiny Things Boutique and will be on June 7th in Millcreek, Utah. It's their first time ever holding a fair, so I'm not sure what the outcome will be like, but I'd love to see any of you there! Plus, if you buy from the fair, you won't have to pay shipping from the shop! How's that for incentive? More information about the fair can be found here.

In preparation for this show, I'm getting together all of my print goods and switched up my packaging just for the fair. I also need to make my table look like I know what I'm doing, so that's been my main focus this week:

 I was able to find some awesome finds at my local charity store, but they need a makeover in order to look presentable. My husband suggested I also sell some bows that I like to make in order to catch different audiences' attention. I hope it works... I'm really hoping to get my name out from all this.

And then I'm just trying to figure out a good set up for my table. It's not quite there yet, but I know it'll look so much better when the product is out and I have my cute little chalkboards explaining prices and such.

I also want to make 1 or 2 new Father's Day prints which will first be revealed at the fair! So, come on, you gotta come! My husband liked my ideas for the prints, so you know they're going to be awesome.

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