Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Custom Christmas Card Giveaway!!

Guys, I got our family's Christmas card design finished 2 days before Halloween... Can you tell I love Christmas?? I also wanted to give myself some time to design a custom Christmas card for a lucky winner! It's about time for another giveaway, don'tcha think? 

So here's the card that I did for this year:
It's an infographic summing up our year along with a photo on the back.

And here's the postcard design I did for last year's card:
Postcards are cheaper to mail, which is why I did one... and they are a little unique! 

I will be offering custom card designs in my shop and to promote this I am having a giveaway! One lucky winner will receive a custom Christmas card design! I will design your Christmas card and then e-mail the file for you to print yourself. If you want me to print them for you, that will cost extra, but the custom design will be free if you win! (Details on what this includes can be found here.) Good Luck!


  1. Tiffany! You're really talented and would love to work together on a Christmas card! :)

  2. I wish I had this talent. Love your Christmas card!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Yup! I can't figure out how you did those cute graphics. SOOO cute!

  5. Getting your card convinced me to do a letter for our Christmas cards this year, but if I could get a custom designed card instead that would be fantastic! You definitely have great talent that I wish I possessed

  6. I love the infogram! My mom used to make family newsletters to send out every year as well, and I think it'd be great to start that tradition! But, spatially and visually, I'm not the most creative...
    Our Fairy Tale

  7. this is fantastic. you are so talented!
