Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Test Pin: DIY Pits Stain Remover

We all have it: that one white shirt with the pit stains. Most of us replace it with a new one when needed or shamefully hang it in our closet thinking one day we'll deal with it and bleach it. But not anymore! I saw this pin from One Good Thing about taking the yellow sweat stains out of white shirts and knew I needed to try it. What did I have to lose if I was going to replace the shirt anyways?

She had fantastic results and I was pretty trusting that it would work. So here we go!

You mix one part Dawn dishwashing liquid mixed with two parts hydrogen peroxide plus some baking soda. Scrub onto stains and do your laundry as usual. I also dabbed it on some areas where there were other stains like chocolate or something.

Then after it's done laundering, voila! Stains GONE! It really is miracle cleaner. It got the odd older stains out too!

Test Approved!

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