Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Giveaway From My Shop!

Update: Contest is Over

I have a brand new line of printables in the shop that I'm so excited to share! Just in time too because Taylor from Our Fairy Tale had a great idea to set up a giveaway for me! And if you win, you have the choice to choose one of these cute new sewn printables or anything else from my shop! That's right, my new collection of printables have some sewing mixed in, so they aren't digital downloads, but look super chic and rich with texture with the paper and added texture of the thread.

Also check out Danica's blog Black with a Chance of Cheetah who is going in with Taylor for the giveaway. They're helping me get my name out because they have more followers. Be sure to check out their blogs, both of them are pretty sweet, and you can enter the giveaway there or on here. It ends in 5 days and my sale also ends in 8 days. So if you don't win, but still want something awesome from my shop, you have until the 21st for a sweet deal.

a Rafflecopter giveaway