Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ruffle Wreath


I originally found this tutorial posted | here | but she copied from the link from | here |. So go to that last link to take a better look. She used a foam wreath and pins, but I was able to find a wicker wreath at DI for $.75...! So I used a good ol' hot glue gun for my adhesive. 

any type of wreath (foam, straw, whatever) of the size you want it to be
1 yard of your choice of fabric
hot glue gun and lots of extra sticks
fabric scissors

Cut a strip or 2 or 3 (depending on how big your wreath is) about 2 inches thick and wrap and glue around the wreath. This will help hide the color of the wreath underneath just in case it shows.

Cut strips of fabric about 2 inches thick, the thicker the strip, the faster it goes. But do whatever length you want for the look you're going for. Take a strip and fold it in a fan-like fashion. Cut it where you get the length and folds to your desire. Dab some glue on the back and place firmly on wreath. Add glue where ever you feel needs some perfecting. Just continue with the same technique by layering each piece on top of the other until the wreath is covered!

square jar: DI (Good Will)
filling in jar: dried white beans
mirror: repurposed from a white elephant gift
vase: wedding gift
white peacock feathers and dried pea pods: Hobby Lobby
white candles: Dollar Store
glass candle holders: wedding gift
mallard: my husband's
shelf: my father-in-law built it


  1. I really like this set up. It's so pretty. I would love to see your apartment sometime!

  2. You are SO good at designing Tiffany! I really want to make this ruffle wreath. I'll be on the lookout for some fabric.
