Monday, May 11, 2015

The Beehive Bazaar

The Beehive Bazaar was a great experience! 

I'm so glad I got in and was able to present my shop! All I was hoping to do was come out even and get my name out there. I feel like the self-promotion was a big success! I'm so glad I decided to create an Instagram account for my brand because it's another easy way for people to see what's going on. And the Bazaar did Instagram giveaways leading up to the show to create suspense that I was happy to be apart of.  

I don't know why I have this interest in small businesses - whether they're at the county fair, boutiques, or shops downtown, I've just always loved the tight-knit feeling of community and someone's dream being accomplished and in the works. It makes me so sad when I see a small business close down. Whether it was a restaurant or a clothes store - that was someone's dream that was crushed. 

Which is why I promise to always try to support small businesses. I will go out of my way to shop locally or on Etsy for gifts before buying from a well established company. I once heard that 50% of what you buy locally, goes back to your community and lowers taxes and all of this other good stuff. 

So THANK YOU to all who came to the Bazaar and supported local small businesses! You made a difference in your community and I hope you brought home some lovely treasures. I know I did!

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